Tik ToK Tik ToK

Any moment, Everything can change

Something in this world you just can't change; Something u cant see until it gets too late

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Hectic week ahead

From tommorow onwards, it will be a hectic week ahead. ~ Exams will be starting tommorow all the way till Saturday. Non-stop. =S The only free day is on Wednesday, sigh~~ Having geography test tommorow, Tuesday Chemistry, Thursday Biology, Friday computer(sounds very easy? you are TOTALLY wrong! lotsa craps gotta memorise...Zzzz), Saturday Ad Maths...

This is just the beginning and not the worst yet, but I feel very tired and find difficulty in coping with everything~~How am I going to face it when the WORST has come? It will be like few 总策(revision exam always like one book or half plus) in one day and full exams everyday in a week ><" Any choice, No choice lo~ Only can face it =S


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