Tik ToK Tik ToK

Any moment, Everything can change

Something in this world you just can't change; Something u cant see until it gets too late

Monday, July 30, 2007


From today onwards, A5G is going to be history for me and to everyone in the class. We stopped this class due to a MASSIVE amount of exams which we are going to have in July and August. I really feel sorry for Ting Wen and Lik Sing who have no other choice but to quit with us as there will be too few students in the class, and the principal has decided to close it. This is the most special and most awesome tuition I have ever had, I won’t forget all the memorable days with everyone in the class forever! Even if we are separated, this is something too special and precious for me to forget...it will owes be on my mind!


Accidentally deleted the other photo I have with AG5 classmates, will come up with more photo soon! =D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First of all, do not feel sorry cos it's not something you did on purpose but circumstances require you to do it : )

Roxas, thank you so much for everything! To be frank with you, I really wish I was the best, but I am sober enough to know that I am nowhere close to that haha Even if one day I get to be the best, it will not be because of me. But it will be because of having awesome students like you. =) In some special way, I have learnt a lot from my students and those are priceless.

I would have to say that I love this post of yours not only because it is so touching and sweet but mostly because I am just so glad beyond words that being in A5G puts that smile on your face. At the end of the day, the smiles on students' faces exceeds everything else.

Well, one thing for sure... you can start calling me Vick now without feeling weird or anything... hahaha I'm gonna miss all our crazy, fun days together and Roxas, keep that smile coming, ok? *grin* Have fun and see ya around, Roxas!!!

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